The idea for this activity was initiated when my two youngest kids and I had to drive an hour away to drop off one of my older kids. To make the return trip more fun, we decided to try out the playgrounds in each of the small towns we were passing through. We took mental […]
Summer Ideas for Fun, Learning, and a Bit of Order
It is beneficial to have a plan going into summer. Below are links to some of our top ideas that will lead to a memorable summer break: Reading and Learning (Links) Family Reading Goal –work together towards a goal. This is great for a family with all different reading levels. Book Bingo –printable bingo sheets […]
Leap Day Activities
Leap Day only comes once every four years…so take a minute to make it a little different. Here are a few ideas of activities to do with your kids… Make origami jumping frogs. Link to printable instructions for an origami jumping frog (from Make “Leap Day” cupcakes. Use a white cake mix and blue […]
Breakfast for a President
I found a neat, older book called George Washington’s Breakfast by Jean Fritz. The whole book is about a little boy who is trying to find out what George Washington ate for breakfast. He goes to great lengths to figure it out. The book was fun to read with my little daughter and her reading […]
There’s No Place Like the Kitchen Table
Much of what I do as a mom is centered about the kitchen table. I decided to let the table help me teach without saying a word. We have done variations of this in the past, but it has turned into something more. I have a large cereal box on my table that has become […]
Joseph Smith’s Birthday
Joseph Smith restored Christ’s church back to the earth in 1830. His birthday is December 23rd so it is a perfect thing to lead up to Christmas. We like to set an oil lamp in the middle of the dinner table (a single candle would work as well). We turn out the rest of the […]
Imaginary Trip to the Holy Land
A tradition we have during the Christmas season is to go back to a simpler time for an evening in the Holy Land. The night centers on the Savior. Where was He born? What did He wear and eat? How did He act? What did He teach? Here are some ideas of how the evening […]
Evening in England
“May I have an ice lolly?” “Shall we take the lift or the stairs?” “Run along and find your blue trousers, lad.” Taking a pretend trip to England for the evening may be just what your family needs to brighten eyes and put smiles on faces. You can make it as simple as watching an […]
Family Bonding Time – Read, Watch, Enjoy!
“They left the best part out!” “Annabeth is supposed to be blond!” “I like the book much better. They ruined the movie.” Over the years comparing books with movies has been a fun point of discussion and bonding for our family. We have enjoyed reading illustrated classics and other great books followed by watching the […]
Meet Mozart
How can we expect our children to learn to love great music if we never introduce it? Here is a quick way to give your kids a splash of knowledge about Mozart and to give them a glimpse of the world’s more refined things: Meet Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart = Put a picture of Mozart on […]