My church* is about to have our General Conference where our prophet and a lot of our church leadership give a message. I have found it very beneficial to give each message a title in my notes. Then I connect the speaker’s name with a certain principle. As a family it is fun to suggest […]
Seven Tips to Help Your Child Succeed in Public School
My youngest child of six is heading into her last year of elementary school. I was pondering on what I have learned during the past 17 years of having at least one child in elementary school. For what it’s worth, here are my thoughts: #1 As a parent, I have learned to be “present” by […]
Flashes from the Past
Make a tradition of having a “Flashes from the Past” night once a month at your house…and watch it bring family unity. The evening focuses on family…your immediate family history and/or the history of those who have gone before. You can choose from these ideas or come up with your own: 1) Pull out […]
What Chickens Taught Me About Raising Kids
Last fall our chickens kept pecking each other. My two youngest kids were worried about the chickens losing feathers. We changed one thing and it changed the situation. We gave the chickens “something to do.” Of course, we gave them their usual scratch and crumble in the morning. Then part way through the day when […]
I am a “Home Maker” –A Message for Parents
Not long ago I had to fill out some paper work at a bank. The next day the lady at the bank called because there was one more paper to sign. I went in and she had filled out all the information for me on the form. I just had to sign the paper. I […]
I Know God Lives
The world in which we live has grown more secular…a lot of those who once believed in God have long since stopped teaching children that He is near. Hence the children never consider Him as a source of help and peace. I want all to know that I know God lives. I also know He […]
Breakfast for a President
I found a neat, older book called George Washington’s Breakfast by Jean Fritz. The whole book is about a little boy who is trying to find out what George Washington ate for breakfast. He goes to great lengths to figure it out. The book was fun to read with my little daughter and her reading […]
There’s No Place Like the Kitchen Table
Much of what I do as a mom is centered about the kitchen table. I decided to let the table help me teach without saying a word. We have done variations of this in the past, but it has turned into something more. I have a large cereal box on my table that has become […]
Joseph Smith’s Birthday
Joseph Smith restored Christ’s church back to the earth in 1830. His birthday is December 23rd so it is a perfect thing to lead up to Christmas. We like to set an oil lamp in the middle of the dinner table (a single candle would work as well). We turn out the rest of the […]
Teaching Children to Protect Themselves from Pornography
The world we live in has moved away from the long established values of virtue, honesty, civility, and love. Yet, history has taught us that a strong society and happiness, both now and later, are based on those eternal virtues. The long established values provide safety and consistency in our homes. Kids can gain confidence […]