Give your college student or elderly parent a taste of home cooking by making tiny freezer meals from your leftovers. The concept is simple…when you make spaghetti freeze and label a snack bag size serving of the sauce, when you have tacos put some of the meat in a different snack size baggie, label it, and then freeze it, when you bake cookies put a couple in a snack size baggie….you get the idea. Keep a gallon size freezer bag in your freezer and add the simple meals/snacks to it. Then the next time you see your loved one, present them with an assortment of yummy meals that remind them of home.
This worked great for our daughter her first year of college. It was nice for her to thaw the spaghetti sauce and quickly cook some pasta. Students are busy and don’t always have time to make much more than ramen noodles. These tiny meals give variety to their diet. We sent alfredo sauce, soups (in a sandwich bag), sausage and scrambled eggs, taco meat, chimichangas, chicken sauce to eat over rice, assorted cookies, chicken cacciatore sauce, burritos, muffins, etc.
It would be nice to give these to elderly parents or grandparents. They love an occasional cookie, but they don’t want to make a whole batch!
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