Christmas gifts don’t have to be expensive to be meaningful and fun. Homemade gifts provide fun memories and don’t hurt your pocketbook. This post’s purpose is to get your creative juices flowing and help you think of gifts to make for your kids.
Here is an idea list:
(If you would like more information on “how to” create these items, email me or let me know in a comment at the bottom of this post)
Turn your card table into a tent! Flip the card table over and set it on the material. ( You may have to sew two pieces together to get it to be wide enough..or use a flat sheet). Cut around the top leaving plenty of room for the seams. Measure height of the sides and figure how much material you need to create the sides. It is wise to make the windows before you sew the sides to the top. Cut a square window out of the fabric, sew a piece of tulle or lace that is bigger than the window over it. Then you create the edge around the window….
Make your bunk bed into a hut!
Create your very own memory game using pictures of family and friends. We printed out the pictures on cardstock and laminated them.
Sew cloth balls to use for dodge ball or Monkey in the Middle in the hallway. Google “stuffed cloth balls” and you’ll find lots of patterns. I like the ones with six pieces that each resemble a rounded diamond.
Make a Bean Bag Bocce game. Here is a link to a post on how to make Homemade Bean Bag Bocce.
Make pillows, blankets, beds, or clothes for dolls. You can also use wood scraps to create furniture.Create a block set with left over pieces of wood. Cut each block to the right size, sand it, and paint it. It is fun to make a cloth bag to carry them in.
Make PJ bottoms for the whole family. (Flat sheets are a good way to get a lot of material at a low cost.)
Embroider a pillow with your child’s name. Use your favorite font on the computer and print it out the correct size. Copy it onto a piece of fabric. Put and extra piece of fabric behind it to keep from seeing your thread. Use an embroidery hoop to keep it tight and then stitch. Turn your stitched name into a pillow.
Good luck. I hope you will save money this Christmas by taking time to create!
(The rustic snowman background used in the featured image of this post came from
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