Add this item to your emergency kit!——A flat sheet. Its versatility may surprise you.
Here’s why…A sheet can be:
- tied up for a wind break
- wrapped around people for a blanket (though it is light weight, it would still give a sense of comfort and block in some body heat)
- easily torn up for bandages
- made into a sling
- used to create shade
- cut and used for cloth diapers
- made into articles of clothing—maybe a shawl, wraps for feet, a hat, or a dress made by draping it
- used as a body bag (in a super sad situation)
- used as stretcher to carry an injured person
- used to create privacy inside a shelter (seeing pictures of cot after cot in a shelter made this idea come)
- torn up to use to start a fire
- made into a flag to signal rescuers
- placed on the ground to sit on
- gathered to form a large bag—Santa Claus style
A sheet is light weight and takes up very little space. Use your imagination to come up with other uses.
Who knows what emergency you may encounter. A small addition to your emergency kit may make all the difference.
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